Sunday 24th November
9.30am to 11.30am
At the Bowls Club
Everyone is invited to the launch of the second booklet ‘Forts Junction to Acadia Track Magnetic Island (Yunbenun) - A self-guided walk’.
This 88 page booklet is fascinating reading for everyone who enjoys learning more as they traverse this popular walking track. Copies of the booklet will be available for purchase on the day!
Explore Magnetic Island’s foreshores and reserves with an easy self-guided walk

Arcadia Coastcare's Some Native Plants of Arcadia, Magnetic Island (Yunbenun): A self-guided walk, booklet helps locals and visitors explore Magnetic Island’s foreshores and reserves.
The booklet covers more than 60 native plants in easily accessible locations around Arcadia. Written in an entertaining yet informative style, it is a rich resource for residents and visitors.
Copies of this book are available for purchase at the Arcadia Newsagency and participating outlets.
For further information, please contact Selina Hale on 
0429 194 663 or sunbird@bigpond.net.au

Arcadia Nature Trail Map Download/view
Arcadia Coastcare is a volunteer community group who help look after natural areas on public land at Arcadia, Magnetic Island.
This website provides information on the following:
We hope you enjoy our website and Arcadia’s natural values. For more information, please email arcadiacoastcare@gmail.com

The Australian Government’s National Landcare Program funding assisted the development of this website.
Thanks to the Australian Government, Queensland Government, Townsville City Council, NQ Dry Tropics, NQCC, Wulgurukaba, MICDA and MINCA for grants and/or support over the years.
Images by Vandhana, Hugh Wallace Smith, Selina Hale, Julie Woodlock, Lyle Johnson, Sara Shaw and Tony O'Malley.